Monday, April 2, 2012


O.K. JMM Students...its time to get creative, storyboard, script, film on the fly...what ever it is you do...lets do it, film it, edit it, and SUBMIT IT BY MAY 14th. Questions See: please see Mr. Frontier. Our mission is to OUT DO last years Film Fest, more films, better films, big audience, smily faces.... LET'S GO!

Film Fest Promo: Filmed and Edited by Ben Rifken '12

1 comment:

  1. I have a question for Sachin Dharwadker.
    When I saw "Uncommon Sense" at the film fest I thought it was incredibly deep, but no one else I talked to got the same thing out of it. It's been driving me crazy so I'd really like to know if Sachin intentionally inserted some of the themes and allusions I got out of the film.
    So here's what I noticed: Adrian and Evelyn served as a kind of greek chorus by providing narration and some of the moral lessons the film was intended to give. Because they represented the sort of moral compass of the film (and possibly because they represented purity) they were named "Adrian" and "Evelyn" after "Adam" and "Eve". Which would give further significance to the fact that we frequently see them outside in bright lighting (especially the scene in the backyard when they are drinking orange juice, very strong allusion to the garden of Eden).
    Also I think the title "Uncommon Sense" may have been chosen as a reference to Thomas Paine's pamphlet "Common Sense". I'm not totally sure what the purpose of this reference is, however. My best guess would be that the film had a message of social reform just like the pamphlet, but I'm much less confident about this one.
    Anyway, I'd really appreciate it if whoever checks this blog could forward this to Sachin and get a reply. I don't know how else to contact him and I'm really curious about this. I have never seen a student's film with that level of depth, and whether he intended to make the references I saw or not, I applaud him.
